St. Charles College

Sudbury Catholic Schools Contribute Over 175,000 Cans in Annual Food Drive Fundraiser!

The students of St. Charles College raised an amazing 175,533 cans and $25,000 for this years food drive for the Sudbury Food Bank! Throughout the past week, the students visited various homes and businesses in our community to canvass for the annual fundraiser. Feeder schools of St. David, St. John, St. Paul, Pius XII and Holy Trinity also helped contribute to this great cause!

Congratulations on another successful fundraiser, Cards!

St. Charles College Kicks off Annual Food Drive Campaign!

If the students at St. Charles College and its feeder schools had their way – no one would go hungry in our community this year!

St. Charles College is kicking off their annual food drive at feeder schools St. David, St. John, St. Paul, Pius XII and Holy Trinity. For over three decades, they have been collecting cans to feed local families. Every year, they have surpassed their goal by collecting thousands of cans from the community.

The SCC contribution is always the largest single donation to the Sudbury Food Bank each year and the food bank has grown to rely on the major haul of cans and cash. We are asking for the community’s assistance in helping us, once again, surpass our goal.

Our students will be going out into the community in order to collect non-perishable food items. Please start collecting and feel free to drop off at St. Charles College. The kids will also be helping to bag groceries at Metro on Thursday, October 19th, Chris’ Independent on Friday, October 20th and Vrab’s Independent on Saturday, October 21st and are hoping to gather donations from the public at that time.

We look forward to once again this year, continuing to feed the needy and make a difference in our community.

The sky is the limit for canned food collecting at St. Charles College

Since the mid eighties, St. Charles College student council has been organizing a fall food drive in support of the Sudbury Food Bank. Every year it just gets better and better.

The students were given the task of collecting sixty thousand cans this year. Teacher leaders Paola Gutscher and Bev Belanger were happy to report that the students smashed their goal with raising more than 126 thousand cans. Year after year, it has become the largest single donation to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

The leadership students cannot do this alone. It is supported by all the 7-12 students at St. Charles College along with feeder schools — Holy Trinity, St. Paul, St. John, St. David and Pius.

The wrap-up event today highlighted the accomplishments of the students but also the staff had to hold up its end of the bargain complete with staff pie in the face showdowns, shaved heads, dyed heads and waxed legs.

Principal Patty Mardero says it is also important to recognize the citizens of Sudbury who graciously donated to the drive when the students knocked upon their doors. The food collected over the course of the last week was delivered to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse today. Mardero says “This visit to the warehouse to unload is critical in helping students see the fruits of their labour as they lift each box of canned food and fill the shelves of the warehouse”.

Cards Do It – Largest Single Donation to the Sudbury Food Bank for a Five Day Drive

The goal was to raise 60 thousand cans in five days. The result was astounding. Students and staff, along with the support of its feeder schools and the community raised 125, 452 cans to line the shelves of the food bank heading into the holiday season.

The breakdown is twenty thousand dollars in cash collected and 25, 000 cans. Students will spend the day assisting with the transport of the food to the food bank warehouse.

The St. Charles College food drive started thirty years ago and has been a yearly tradition with its feeder schools – St. David’s, Holy Trinity, Pius XII, St. John and St. Paul schools.

Principal Patty Mardero says “in thirty years this is the largest donation to date. The students really upped the ante for next year.”

Cards ‘can’ do it! 

Members of the St. Charles College Student Council are selling tees in the main foyer of the school this week to support the Sudbury Food Bank.  The t-shirts which are retailing for twenty dollars go to supporting the school’s annual food drive.   That means the sale of one shirt equates to 100 cans to line the shelves at the food bank.

The blue shirts were designed by students in teacher Beverly Belanger’s leadership class.  Student Jordan Sutton designed the image on the front of the shirt while Tyler Michaud came up with this year’s slogan:  “Cards ‘can’ do it! 60, 000.”

The goal for this year’s food drive is to collect sixty thousand cans and they are doing it with the support of feeder schools – St. David’s, Holy Trinity, Pius XII, St. John and St. Paul schools. 

The food drive is an annual tradition dating back to almost thirty years ago.

St. Charles Cards on Annual Mission to Fill Sudbury Food Bank Shelves

This week, students at St. Charles began visits to feeder schools to get students amped up and motivated about this year’s food drive.

The goal is to raise 60, 000 cans for the Sudbury Food Bank, along with support from its feeder schools – St. David’s, Holy Trinity, Pius XII, St. John and St. Paul schools. 

The food drive began almost thirty years ago with the student council at the time initiating the drive.  Founder, Jim Szilva continues to help the school each year with the annual mission.  The school is also supported by Kiss 105.3 and Q host Melanie Dahl on the airways.

In the past, donations from St.Charles College each fall have made for the largest single donation in Sudbury Food Bank history.

The drive wraps up on October 27th when final results will be tabulated and unveiled at the assembly.

June 2015 OAPCE Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE).

This month’s newsletter comes in three parts:

June 2015 Part 1
June 2015 Part 2
June 2015 Part 3

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

Called to be Resilient Leaders at Sudbury Catholic

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board in conjunction with the Sudbury & District Health Unit is celebrating putting importance on partnerships and building strong relationships in education. Senior Administration, Principals, Vice-Principals Managers and several other leaders within the Sudbury Catholic Board and the Sudbury & District Health Unit gathered on April 8th, 2015 to participate in an interactive learning session featuring Dr. Wayne Hammond, of Resiliency Initiatives Canada. Dr. Hammond presented research-based information about Resiliency and a Strength-Based Approach. The presentation was very well received by all participants and will further the work of the Principal Learning Teams as they continue to examine their calling to “Be Resilient Leaders” in their schools.

That same evening Dr. Hammond also presented to an auditorium full of parents from the “soon to be” Holy Trinity Catholic School community. He shared his outline of a strength-based parenting approach that strengthens a child’s abilities to meet life’s challenges with thoughtfulness, confidence, purposefulness and empathy. Dr. Hammond believes that, “The real task of parenting is not to prepare the path for our children, rather to prepare them for the path that they will need to walk.”
Diana Salvador, Principal of St. Bernadette Catholic School and Principal appointed to Holy Trinity Catholic School said, “I look forward to working diligently at Holy Trinity Catholic School to put Dr. Hammond’s message into practice in partnership with the parent community to foster a trusting school culture where students, parents, teachers and all stakeholders feel valued, connected and engaged in their educational journey.”

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

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