St. Charles College




Due to the extreme cold and in the interest of safety, all school related transportation services for English Catholic, English public, French Catholic and French public schools, operating in the districts of SUDBURY, ESPANOLA, MASSEY AND MANITOULIN, (this includes all areas such as St-Charles, Noëlville, Monetville, Markstay, Hagar, Warren, Wahnapitae, Coniston, Killarney, Whitefish, Whitefish River First Nations, Manitoulin Island, Onaping, Chelmsford, Capreol, Valley East, Garson, Chelmsford and Azilda) are cancelled this morning. All schools will remain open, however, only afternoon transportation will be running.

Parents who transport their children to school are reminded that buses will pick them up at the end of the school day.
Also, we remind parents to verify the website for ALL DAY cancellations due to school bus drivers’ absences.

All staff is expected to report to work.

Bell Let’s Talk at Sudbury Catholic Schools

Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being at Sudbury Catholic January 24-28, 2022

It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day on Wednesday, January 26 and Sudbury Catholic is joining the conversation all week long to raise awareness and encourage discussions about mental health. 

One in five Canadians will experience a mental health illness at some point in their life, and most will be cautious about talking about it or reaching out for help. For anyone living with a mental illness, ​stigma​ is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. In fact, it is why two-thirds of people do not seek help. Bell Let’s Talk Day reminds us that ​talking​ is the best way to start breaking down the barriers associated with mental illness and accessing mental health support. 

COVID-19 is affecting every aspect of our lives including a profound impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The pandemic has magnified historically deep-rooted economic, social, and racial inequities that continue to disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, LGBTQQI2S+ and students living with special needs, in addition to other vulnerable and marginalized communities. We need to be flexible, creative, compassionate, and culturally responsive to support the realities and lived experiences these students and their families face. From helping people to recognize stressors to being there for someone, all these actions support mental health and strengthen our school communities during this challenging time. 

During the week of January 24 to 28, educators are encouraged to ​intentionally pause​ and take some time to have classroom discussions about mental health and well-being. 


Please be aware that the Sudbury Student Services Consortium is encountering a higher than normal rate of absences for bus drivers due to COVID-19 and the Omicron variant.  

Each morning they will post daily cancellations on our website, parents are reminded to verify the cancellations by visiting Please be advised that parents will not be receiving telephone calls or emails.


Join Sudbury Catholic Schools at our upcoming Elementary/Secondary Open Houses!

Sudbury Catholic Schools are excited to be hosting Virtual Open Houses, starting January 12th! We encourage students to come experience our education, ask questions, and learn about the exciting opportunities available at Sudbury Catholic Schools!

*Please Note: You may be required to register beforehand to attend a live event. Go to the individual school website to learn more and sign up!


St. Charles College

Open House Date: Wednesday, Jan. 12th

Marymount Academy

Open House Date: Thursday, Jan. 13th, 6:30PM

St. Benedict C.S.S

Open House Date: Wednesday, Jan. 19th, 6:30PM

Bishop Alexander Carter

Open House Date: Thursday, Jan. 20, 6PM

Join Us For Our Webinar – Coping With Stress!

STRESS! We all experience it. 

That’s why Sudbury Catholic Schools is pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming wellness webinar in January. At this webinar, two outstanding guest presenters will tackle this topic and provide coping strategies for dealing with stress. 


More Information: 

Alina Rukkila MSW, RSW and Jessie Jones CYW will lead us through an engaging session on dealing with the different types of stress and provide helpful strategies and tips we can incorporate to help us manage it when it happens. 

We all know that not all types of stress are bad. Good types of stress can help you focus, ensure you meet your daily challenges, and encourage you to reach specific goals you have for yourself. However, it’s essential to understand the difference between good and harmful types of stress. Over time, a continued strain on the body put on from stress can get the best of you. It’s paramount to identify the causes of daily stress and manage the intensity of these feelings. By knowing healthy coping strategies, we can enjoy life and learn happily.  

Computer Science Education Week at SCDSB

In honour of Computer Science Education Week (Dec 6-12), each day, we will put a special spotlight on 1 amazing staff member whose expertise within the fascinating world of IT and computer science deserve to be celebrated!

Learn more about Computer Science Education Week by checking out the #csedweek website.


Everyone meet David Hempel!

He is one of the wonderful Computer Infrastructure Technicians we have here at SCDSB and believes that “IT can take you anywhere!”

Thanks David for all that you do and more!





UPDATED! Bus Transportation Cancelled




Due to snow covered roads and poor road conditions and in the interest of safety, all school related transportation services for English Catholic, English public, French Catholic and French public schools, operating in the districts of SUDBURY AND MANITOULIN (this includes all areas such as St-Charles, Noëlville, Monetville, Markstay, Hagar, Warren, Wahnapitae, Coniston, Killarney, Whitefish, Whitefish River First Nations, Onaping, Chelmsford, Capreol, Valley East, Garson, Chelmsford and Azilda) are cancelled today. All schools will remain open, however, NO transportation will be provided.

Parents who transport their children to school are reminded that they must pick their children up at the end of the school day.

All staff are expected to report to work.

Hour of Code Family Night Tuesday December 7 at 7pm – Getting Loopy

Next week (Dec. 6-12) is Computer Science Education Week!

Join Sudbury Catholic District School Board in our Hour of Code Family Night happening on Tuesday, Dec. 7.

Families, you will require a device (laptop, tablet or cell phone) to watch the presentation and an area of space to dance. So don’t forget your dancing feet!

Visit the Student Hub to register or click here.

What is Hour of Code?

We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.

But only a fraction of us are learning how technology works.

That’s why during Computer Science Education Week (December 6-12) our K-12 schools are participating in the Hour of Code. More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. Our Hour of Code is making a statement that Sudbury Catholic District School Board is ready to teach these foundational 21st-century skills. To continue bringing programming activities to our students, we invite you to participate in our event on Dec. 7th and change the future of education in Sudbury.

Bus Transportation Cancelled



Due to poor road conditions and in the interest of safety, all school related transportation services for English Catholic, English public, French Catholic and French public schools, operating in the districts of SUDBURY, ESPANOLA AND MASSEY (this includes all areas such as St-Charles, Noëlville, Monetville, Markstay, Hagar, Warren, Wahnapitae, Coniston, Killarney, Whitefish, Whitefish River First Nations, Onaping, Chelmsford, Capreol, Valley East, Garson, Chelmsford and Azilda) are cancelled today. All schools will remain open, however, NO transportation will be provided.

Parents who transport their children to school are reminded that they must pick their children up at the end of the school day.

All staff are expected to report to work.

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week 2021

Bullying in all forms is considered a serious issue that affects student learning, sense of safety and overall well-being. Having respect and kindness towards one another is extremely important for our school board because a school should be a place where everyone feels included and everyone is welcome. By providing a safe learning environment, SCDSB can ensure student success and create responsible and compassionate leaders in learning and faith to help change the world for the better.

November 21 – 27, 2021 is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. This week is designed to promote safe schools and positive learning environments and will encourage everyone to play their part in preventing bullying at school, online and in the community.

Yet one of the most important things to understand during these conversations of bullying, is that it’s not just something that happens at school or online – it also happens in your home and in your neighborhood as well as other places where children spend time. This week’s we ask everyone in our community (students, educators, staff, parents and guardians) to consider how they can play their part to prevent bullying wherever it might happen so that all children and people can learn and grow in safe, positive environments.

To help understand how you can play your part to stop bullying, please review the following resources provided by the Ministry of Education.

Resource Downloads

Information for Parents/Guardians
School Board Guide

Why Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week Matters

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is significant to note because it enables schools and community members to promote positive change in student learning, achievement, and well-being for a safer learning environment, which is essential to student success.

Everyone has a responsibility to stop bullying. This week is an opportunity to increase awareness of the available tools and resources that will encourage everyone to get involved with bullying prevention.

To assist in this effort, the Ministry of Education has provided themes that can be focused on each day during this week:

  • Bullying and Cyberbullying: Raising Awareness
  • Engaging the Whole School
  • Engaging Students
  • Engaging Parents, Guardians or Caregivers
  • Educator/School Staff Resources

What is the Take Away?

Providing a safe environment ensures student success. Bullying Awareness and Prevention week is about spreading kindness and gratitude and being aware of what’s happening around you. Are you being accepting and inclusive? Can you do something to help someone who is being bullied or could be a bully? The leaders of tomorrow will be impacted by the leaders of today. By acknowledging bullying’s impact and finding ways to stop it, you will help keep our community rooted in respect for all.

Bullying in all forms hinders children, teens, and all individuals from fully reaching their potential and discovering the path they want to take. Sudbury Catholic Schools continues to foster acceptance, unity, and kindness in projects and organizations that aim to fight bullying and invite everyone to do their part.

Resources to Support


Canada’s Healthy Relationships Hub

PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that brings together researchers and national organizations to build research capacity, assess youth relationship problems including bullying and dating violence, and promote evidence-based programs and effective policies across Canada to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships.

Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a small nonprofit that invests our resources into making kindness the norm.

Their evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® curriculum gives students the social and emotional skills needed to live more successful lives. Their workplace kindness calendar shows companies how easy it is to change workplace culture through simple kind gestures.

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