Julie Denomme, Secondary Teacher at Bishop Alexander Carter CSS
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to congratulate Bishop Alexander Carter CSS secondary teacher, Julie Denomme, who was formally recognized by the University of Waterloo and inducted into The Society of Descartes Medallists for her exceptional work in mathematics.
The Society of Descartes Medallists was founded in 1968 by the Rene Descartes Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Sine 1968, the Society meets annually to pay tribute to Ontario mathematics and computer science teachers identified as worthy of special recognition. Every year since it was established, the Foundation has admitted a small number of new members, chosen for their contribution to the noble cause of mathematics education.
Denomme, was only one of two recipients recognized by the Rene Descartes Foundation in 2021. Denomme attended the 53rd Rene Descartes Medallist Dinner on June 11th, 2022, in Waterloo where she was able to officially be inducted into the Society.
“We are so proud of Mrs. Denomme for her exceptional dedication to student learning. Her fearless approach to embracing new teaching and evaluation strategies makes a real difference in our school. She consistently uses her passion to evolve her instruction on important subjects and improve the way students learn to make a real impact on their education. For instance, in 2015, her leadership and commitment were key support in improving EQAO scores, which resulted in Bishop Alexander Carter winning the Bette Stevenson Award.” – Stephanie Venturi, Bishop Alexander Carter Principal
“It is a great honour to be chosen as one of the 2021 Descartes Medallists. Teaching is a rewarding profession where I am provided the chance to motivate others on a daily basis. But honestly, it’s the smiles on the students’ faces that makes it all worth it. Thanks to everyone who has given me the opportunity to educate and, hopefully, inspire my students everyday.” – Julie Denomme, Bishop Alexander Carter Secondary Teacher
“The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s mission is to realize each student’s potential within an inclusive Catholic Learning Community by nurturing their mind, body, and spirit. Ms. Denomme embraces her teaching vocation and provides a dynamic, rich classroom environment where students are able to take risks, learn from their mistakes and grow in their understanding. We are all so proud of her and are very fortunate that she has chosen to teach in our schools. Bishop Alexander Carter and the entire School Board Community extend our congratulations to her for this well-deserved award.” – Joanne Bénard, Director of Education
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Chairperson’s Award. All three individuals embody the Board’s mission, vision and values. They are passionate about Catholic education and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to student success.
St. Charles College Secondary Teacher, Jillian Ospina and SCDSB Chair, Michael Bellmore.
Jillian Ospina is a Teacher at St. Charles College who always strives to put students at the center of her work. Her dedication to innovation and learning is evident, and she always ensures she contributes her positive energy to the classroom and the larger school community. She goes above and beyond for students and staff who want to engage in technology learning and will encourage them share ideas to enhance projects and pedagogy. She empowers students to collaborate, inquire and develop their communication skills through IT and take risks as they learn from one another. She consistently looks for ways to enhance student learning by building a sense of initiative and ingenuity through different coding projects and digital content. She has also been instrumental in developing diverse platforms to provide both educators, students and parents support which was particularly important during the pandemic.
Ginny Long is a Teacher at St. David’s Elementary School. She has worked tirelessly to meet the needs of students and does this by modelling respect, compassion, empathy and humour every day. Her approach to student issues and situations is inspirational, and she forges relationships with all those around her through kindness and care, sprinkled with her contagious laughter. Ginny is a highly motivated educator known to support the development of the whole child. She ensures the importance of culture and identity, and Indigenous pedagogy are an integral part of her daily practice and achieves this by working with community partners. She is always ready to think outside of the box and provide opportunities for learning that meet the needs of her diverse classroom.
SCDSB Chair, Michael Bellmore and St. Davids Elementary Teacher, Ginny Long.
St. James Elementary Teacher, Graham Kent MacNeil and SCDSB Chair, Michael Bellmore.
Graham Kent MacNeil is an Intermediate Teacher at St. James Elementary School. Kent is a true leader in faith and a compassionate, steady, and selfless person for students and staff in times of difficulty. He looks for solutions to expand strategies for any students who is struggling and ensures his students feel like they are part of a family. He is self-driven and self-taught in technology and pioneered the use of Google Classroom, in addition to obtaining formal accreditation as a Google Educator. Kent also developed internal digital reporting, illustrating his initiative and ingenuity to embrace technology and make positive changes. Kent always has a smile and kind words and recognizes the good in everyone.
“We are honored to recognize three exceptional individuals who can only be described as difference makers and leaders within our inclusive Catholic learning community,” said Michael Bellmore, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “Jillian, Ginny, and Graham are inspirational individuals and positively impact our community by representing what it means to be a leader in learning and faith. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are proud to recognize our 2022 recipients and thank them for both their continued service and unwavering commitment to Catholic education.”
This year’s award winners will be honoured formally during Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s 2022 Employee Recognition Night on May 26th, 2022. Help us celebrate our 2022 Chairperson Award Recipients as well as our Retirees and 25 Year employees by tuning into our celebration on YouTube!
The Sudbury Regional Science Fair, which took place virtually during March 21st – April 3rd, 2022, is a meaningful learning experience where Sudbury’s four School Boards, can provide opportunities to students from Grades 7-12 to show case their knowledge in different areas of science. Sudbury Catholic District School Board was grateful to participate once again in the Regional Science Fair and allow our students to enjoy hands-on learning experiences by extending their discovery in biology, chemistry, technology, and other areas.
This year approximately 15 projects represented the Board in the Regional Science Fair. The number of project topics was diverse again this year, with exciting subjects ranging from “Theoretical Gravity Control”, “Hacking an Air-Gapped Computer”, Creating a “Self-Hitting Hammer,” and more. We want to thank our judges and educators for guiding our students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth.
MMA Student, Kate Bouchard – 2022 Best In Fair Winner!
Following the Fair, Sudbury Catholic Schools, students, and families were invited to attend a virtual celebration organized by the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 10th, 2022. This virtual celebration highlighted the winners of divisional awards, special awards and celebrated students’ achievements. At this celebration, we are pleased to announce that Sudbury Catholic students collected ten awards, including Best of Fair which was presented to Kate Bouchard, a student from Marymount Academy for her project, “Go With The Flow“. We are also thrilled to announce that in addition to Kate’s amazing project , 4 other projects submitted by SCDSB Students have also been selected to advance to the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) taking place on May 16th, 2022, in Moncton, New Brunswick.
The students and projects that will advance to the Canada Wide Science Fair include the following:
“Each year, our students present unique and creative science fair projects. This year was certainly no exception,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “We are very excited to see the number of participants continue to grow, and we are proud of our students who represented us incredibly well again. We thank our judges and our educators for guiding students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth. We wish the students who are moving on to the 2022 Canada-Wide Science Fair the best of luck!”
“Science Fair was so much fun, and I think it’s because I was passionate about my topic.” Says Best in Fair Winner and CWSF participant, Kate Bouchard. “I chose something that I was interested in and genuinely wanted to learn more about. It helped me be more engaged, and because I was interested in what I was learning, I felt like I could explain it better and put forth more effort in making it better. I am really looking forward to be a part of the CWSF in May!”
Some of MMA’s Regional Science Fair students stop and smile with their regional science fair medals! (Middle left Best in Fair Winner – Kate Bouchard)
Dylan Nelson, a Grade 8 student from St. Benedict, will also be attending the Canada Wide Science Fair with his unique project where he created a Self-Hitting Hammer. This idea was inspired by his passion for building things and from wanting to help his grandmother.
“I was trying to think of something inventive to do. I wanted to create something new, and I realized that I like building things, so I wanted to make a new type of hammer that would allow someone who cannot hammer a nail with a normal hammer still perform that task. My experience was fun because I spent time with grandpa, who helped me construct it, and I was able to make my project about making something that would help my grandma.”
Pictured is St. Benedict Student and Regional Science Fair Honouree Dylan accepting his award from the SCDSB Director of Education, Joanne Bénard and Principal of St. Benedict, Laura Kuzenko.
Overall, we are pleased to celebrate the contributions and participation of all our schools and students in this meaningful learning opportunity. We would like to end our post by congratulating all students, educators, and schools on their participation and effort in making the 2022 Science Fair a success! The ten project winners included projects from Marymount Academy, projects from St. Benedict and one project from St. Charles College.
Please visit the following link below to view all the wonderful projects brought forward by Sudbury Catholic Students this year.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the next session for our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions.
Next Session: Steps to Success: Exploring Secondary Programs and Pathways
Join us Wednesday, March 30th from 6-7 pm on Zoom to learn about secondary programming and the many options that are offered. SCDSB will take you on a virtual journey examining De-Streaming, fantastic opportunities in secondary education, and how to get future-ready with XELLO. XELLO is an engaging university/ college and career readiness software that unlocks every student’s potential by opening their eyes to endless possibilities.
Registration is required to attend this event. Sign up now and get ready to learn, and make a difference for yourself and others. At the end of the session, students, parents, and educators will confidently walk away with the knowledge and ability to navigate secondary and post-secondary opportunities better than ever before!
In preparation for Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s annual budget discussions, we are asking members in our community to identify areas that have been working well and those that are their top priorities for the next school year. By supplying feedback, it will provide Sudbury Catholic Schools the input we need to help guide our planning for the 2022-23 budget. The deadline to submit your feedback is April 8th, 2022. To help us gather feedback, we are using the online tool, ThoughtExchange.
It is extremely important that everyone has a chance to share their perspective as it will help us to understand what’s most important to the school community. Please visit the link below to share your thoughts.
Feel free to include as many thoughts as you like. Click the Participate button to share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Please come back often until April 8th to rate new ideas.
Quick Tips:
This exchange is confidential. Your thoughts will be shared, but not your identity.
Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts.
If you see a thought that is rude, hurtful or identifies a person or group, you can report it by clicking in the upper right corner of the thought.
You do not need to rate all thoughts in this exchange. It is appreciated and recommended to rate around 30 over the time the exchange is open.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board appreciates your input. By helping us today, you make a difference in the planning of our future.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the return of our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions.
Next Session: Cyber Safety
Join us Wednesday, March 23rd at 6-7 pm on Zoom for our first session, “Cyber Safety,” led by one of the industry’s foremost experts, Danny Pehar.
As the architect for the Cybercrime Equation, Danny works closely with the Toronto Police Cyber task force and the FBI cyber task force to help control cybersecurity. His extensive cybersecurity knowledge, combined with his extensive background as a best-selling author, comedian, and motivational speaker will garner an experience you do not want to miss. Registration is required to attend this event. Sign up now and get ready to laugh, learn, and make a difference for yourself and others. By attending this session, you will learn how to safely protect yourself, your colleagues and your family from digital threats.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board was invited, along with other partners in education across the province, to take a stand on Thursday, March 10, 2022, as “#StandWithUkraine Blue and Yellow Day”. On this day, students and staff were encouraged to wear blue and yellow clothing and, where possible, donate a toonie to the “Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.”
We were grateful we could join together as a Board and take a united stance with our colleagues and students across the province by sharing our thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this ongoing tragedy. We began our day by coming together in a system-wide prayer for peace. Together, we prayed for those impacted by this invasion and for a quick resolution to the conflicts, destruction, and deaths being experienced by the people of Ukraine. We prayed for peace, and we prayed for God’s love to shine through and touch the hearts of everyone on this earth. We invite you to continue to pray with us by using our system-wide prayer.
In addition to participating in the province-wide blue and yellow day, Sudbury Catholic students, staff, and families have actively created ways to support and stand with Ukraine. Schools have hopped right in to provide support by developing fundraisers, participating in various awareness activities, inciting prayer, etc. We are proud to take this time to highlight a sample of some of the different types of actions completed by members of our community.
Secondary Highlights
St. Benedict
Students in the learning support program at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, created Ukrainian themed keychains. After completing their keychains, these gifts were hand-delivered to members of their community.
In addition to creating Ukrainian themed keychains, St. Benedict chose to #StandWithUkraine by hosting a blue and yellow dress-down day on March 9, 2022. On this day, they managed to raise $2600 to support Ukrainian Humanitarian Efforts. We want to provide a special shout-out to the student council who originally came up with the idea of this day and members of faculty, including Joanne Burke, James MacNeil and Megan McMillan, who helped organize this effort. Fantastic job, Bears!
MMA faculty wear blue and yellow in support of Ukraine!
MMA regals wore blue and yellow in solidarity with other Catholic schools across the province, and thanks to the donations, the school raised $500 as a school community. Classes also created blue and yellow cranes to show their support.
Bishop Alexander Carter
In addition to having a dress-down day for students and staff at Bishop Alexander Carter, their school community raised donations by offering pizza concessions to help further their actions and raise even more proceeds to stand with Ukraine. All proceeds from these fundraising efforts will be donated to #HELPUKRAINENOW.
St. Charles College
Cardinals swapped their red uniform to participate in Thursday’s blue and yellow day. In addition to showing support through their clothing, students in Ms. Dzuirban’s class created a beautiful poster supporting the people of Ukraine!
Elementary Highlights
St. Paul
St. Paul Students take time to snap a shot during #StandWithUkraine Blue and Yellow Day!
St. Charles
St. Francis
Students and staff at St. Francis School had a Canada Day-themed spirit day. They thought it was imperative to highlight that they stand with Ukraine as Canadians and as St. Francis Flames. Together as a school community, they jointly raised $408.00 for the families of Ukraine.
St. John
In addition to wearing blue and yellow in solidarity with other Catholic schools across the province, St. John School ran a “Popcorn for Peace” campaign from March 7 – March 10. With a goal in mind to raise $1000.00, their school community quickly jumped up, or should we say “popped up,” to meet the challenge. Offering popcorn sacks for a minimum donation of $2.00 per bag, their school community amazingly raised $1250.00 in just four days. The only thing that makes this news better is seeing so many smiling faces. Knowing this money is being donated to St. Mary’s Catholic Ukraine Church to help Ukrainian people makes us smile as well. Go, Jaguars, go!!
Students in St. John’s English FDK class created blue and yellow flags in honour of the people in Ukraine. They learned that different flags represent different places in the world and that right now, the Ukrainian flag is a symbol of people who need our prayers.
Holy Trinity
Students at Holy Trinity showed their support for friends in Ukraine during Winter Fun Day on March 10. Ms. Skelly’s class made a fantastic sign in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. A donation jar was also created in blue and yellow, resulting in a $331 donation generously brought forward by various students, staff and parents at Holy Trinty. Good job Redbirds!
Holy Cross
Holy Cross has been very busy. Grade 6 students Abigail and Sara approached the school with what they could do to help and support Ukraine, and together they put their heads together and decided that they would be able to help by constructing and selling blue and yellow hand-made bracelets and pins for their school community. This not only provided a way to raise money for donations to the cause, but it was also a visible way for Holy Cross School to stand in support of the people of Ukraine.
“I really wanted to help the people of Ukraine, and making pins and bracelets is one of the ways I knew I could help”. – Abigail Debruyn, Grade 6 student at Holy Cross
After countless hours of hard work, Abby and Sara’s beautiful bracelets and pins were up for grabs, and their fellow students were quick to swipe them. Both staff and students eagerly lined up in the front-hall entrance to make their donations. The girls also passed around the school at lunchtime to ensure everyone had an opportunity to donate and recieve a pin or bracelet. Thanks to the efforts of these extraordinary young leaders, Abby and Sarah were able to raise $2252.05 that will be donated to St. Mary’s parish, who will, in turn, donate the money to humanitarian efforts.
“I want to help in any way I can because it is the right thing to do”. – Sara Wolski, Grade 6 student at Holy Cross
In addition to Sara and Abby, students at the school continued to support the Ukraine campaign by baking and decorating cookies. The cookies were sold door to door and allowed the school to raise an additional $450 to support Ukraine. Holy Cross would like to thank everyone who took the time to generously donate.
We all have a responsibility for peace!
At Sudbury Catholic District School Board, we follow and promote the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. The Ontario Catholic School Graduate is a responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life. This involves acting morally and legally as a person formed in Catholic traditions, witnessing Catholic social teaching by promoting equality, democracy, and solidarity for a just, peaceful and compassionate society, and respecting and affirming the diversity and interdependence of the world’s peoples and cultures.
There have been countless examples of how different communities exhibit this expectation and stand with the people of Ukraine during this time of need. It is our sincere hope that by highlighting some examples of how our schools have supported Ukraine, we can continue to work together as responsible citizens on this earth and inspire others to stand in solidarity to end the violence and suffering of the people of Ukraine.
Upon its completion, St. Charles College students proudly showed off their Stand With Ukraine poster.
Next week (Dec. 6-12) is Computer Science Education Week!
Join Sudbury Catholic District School Board in our Hour of Code Family Night happening on Tuesday, Dec. 7.
Families, you will require a device (laptop, tablet or cell phone) to watch the presentation and an area of space to dance. So don’t forget your dancing feet!
We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.
But only a fraction of us are learning how technology works.
That’s why during Computer Science Education Week (December 6-12) our K-12 schools are participating in the Hour of Code. More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. Our Hour of Code is making a statement that Sudbury Catholic District School Board is ready to teach these foundational 21st-century skills. To continue bringing programming activities to our students, we invite you to participate in our event on Dec. 7th and change the future of education in Sudbury.
Bullying in all forms is considered a serious issue that affects student learning, sense of safety and overall well-being. Having respect and kindness towards one another is extremely important for our school board because a school should be a place where everyone feels included and everyone is welcome. By providing a safe learning environment, SCDSB can ensure student success and create responsible and compassionate leaders in learning and faith to help change the world for the better.
November 21 – 27, 2021 is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. This week is designed to promote safe schools and positive learning environments and will encourage everyone to play their part in preventing bullying at school, online and in the community.
Yet one of the most important things to understand during these conversations of bullying, is that it’s not just something that happens at school or online – it also happens in your home and in your neighborhood as well as other places where children spend time. This week’s we ask everyone in our community (students, educators, staff, parents and guardians) to consider how they can play their part to prevent bullying wherever it might happen so that all children and people can learn and grow in safe, positive environments.
To help understand how you can play your part to stop bullying, please review the following resources provided by the Ministry of Education.
Why Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week Matters
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is significant to note because it enables schools and community members to promote positive change in student learning, achievement, and well-being for a safer learning environment, which is essential to student success.
Everyone has a responsibility to stop bullying. This week is an opportunity to increase awareness of the available tools and resources that will encourage everyone to get involved with bullying prevention.
To assist in this effort, the Ministry of Education has provided themes that can be focused on each day during this week:
Providing a safe environment ensures student success. Bullying Awareness and Prevention week is about spreading kindness and gratitude and being aware of what’s happening around you. Are you being accepting and inclusive? Can you do something to help someone who is being bullied or could be a bully? The leaders of tomorrow will be impacted by the leaders of today. By acknowledging bullying’s impact and finding ways to stop it, you will help keep our community rooted in respect for all.
Bullying in all forms hinders children, teens, and all individuals from fully reaching their potential and discovering the path they want to take. Sudbury Catholic Schools continues to foster acceptance, unity, and kindness in projects and organizations that aim to fight bullying and invite everyone to do their part.
PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that brings together researchers and national organizations to build research capacity, assess youth relationship problems including bullying and dating violence, and promote evidence-based programs and effective policies across Canada to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a small nonprofit that invests our resources into making kindness the norm.
Their evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® curriculum gives students the social and emotional skills needed to live more successful lives. Their workplace kindness calendar shows companies how easy it is to change workplace culture through simple kind gestures.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board joins communities across Canada in honouring and praying for the 215 Indigenous children whose bodies were discovered on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Tk-emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation territory.
To honour their lives, flags at all SCDSB schools and board buildings will be lowered for nine days (May 31-June 8) – a total of 215 hours to represent each of the 215 children. As a sign of our collective mourning, the Board will also be participating in the National moment of silence at 2:15 p.m. today as we honour and acknowledge the children who never returned home.
“Today, we honour the lives of the 215 Indigenous children who will not be coming home. It is a heartbreaking tragedy and while there are no words to truly express the deep mourning those impacted are experiencing, we humbly offer our prayers that they and their families will find healing. We also acknowledge the pain and trauma this brings to all Indigenous peoples across the country, and we recognize the need for ongoing truth and reconciliation. May God continue to watch over the 215 souls and their families,” said Michael Bellmore, Chair of the Board of the Trustees for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board.
“All Sudbury Catholic District School Boards schools and facilities are standing in solidarity with communities across Canada in honouring the 215 Indigenous children. While it is indeed an unspeakable tragedy, we send continued prayers and healing to all those affected and to the Indigenous communities in the Sudbury area and across the country. We have lowered all flags for 215 hours and will join the National moment of silence at 2:15 p.m. As a system, we are also wearing orange shirts on Wednesday, June 2 and will unite in a collective prayer service as a reminder that every child matters,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board.