Please view the following link which contains resources designed to help support and to compliment what teachers have planned as we move to a distance learning approach.
Author: admin
Resources for Learning at Home
In response to the CONVID-19 virus, Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health advised all 72 Ontario School Boards to close their schools from March 14 – April 5, 2020 to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff. While our schools are closed, we are committed to keep you informed.
Learn at Home Portal
The Ministry of Education has launched a new online platform to
help students continue learning while schools are closed. While these materials
do not replace what students have been learning at school, during this unusual
time, these at-home activities offer quick and easy access to resources for students
from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
resources are designed to help young students learn at home with interactive
activities that encourage participation through entertaining and stimulating
digital content. High school content was designed with a focus on STEM courses
and ensure core competencies and skills are reinforced.
Learn at Home Portal
Supporting Student Mental Health
We know this is an uncertain time for our province and our country. Students may experience a range of emotions during the COVID-19 situation. Please see the following resource from School Mental Health Ontario designed to provide mental health support and tools for students:
School Mental Health Ontario
Other Resources
Ministry of Education Letter to Parents
Sudbury Public Health
Government of Canada
On behalf of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, we thank you for your partnership and cooperation as we do our part to practice social distancing and flatten the curve. We will continue to keep you updated on our website and on our social media pages.
SCC Students to Send out Birthday Cards to WWII Vet
A World War two veteran is about to get a lot of St. Charles College fan mail!
In early February, the CBC News had posted an article about a WWII Vet, Fred Arsenault, who was looking forward to celebrating his 100th birthday on March 6th.
Because Mr. Arsenault enjoys receiving mail and the nostalgia it brings from days long ago, his son made an appeal on social media asking friends and family to send birthday cards to his father in hopes of receiving one hundred of them in time for the big event.
Students in 7A, 7C, 8D and the 7/8 class all heard about Mr. Arsenault and decided to make him 100 birthday cards from the students at SCC.
We’re sure he’s going to be super excited to receive all the beautiful cards the students made.
22 Projects Selected to Present at Regional Science Fair!
Our Board Wide Science Fair was held on March 4, 2020 at St. Charles College. Students from Grade 7-12 participated in the event where they went through a formal event and judging process.
22 projects were selected to go on to the Regional Science Fair to be held on April 4, 2020!
Third Place: Joe Gouchie and Sam Oduwale, St. Charles College with the project Printing Speed of Grade 8 Males.
Second Place: Ella Caissie and Ava Collette, St. Anne School with the project H.A.W. Pipe.
First Place and Best in Fair: Julia Parenteau and Hailey MacDonald, St. Anne School with the project Les effets croissance sur des plantes avec differents liquides.
In addition, the following projects were honoured:
Most Creative : Wyatt Rolling from St. John School, with the project Fish On!
Best Presentation: Tyson Kirk and Aiden Anger from St. Charles College with the project Super Mario Upgrade.

Student Senate Fundraises for Australia!
On Wednesday, February 26th, Student Senate members from all four Sudbury Catholic secondary schools helped wait tables at Tony V’s restaurant to raise funds in support of Australian bushfire relief. In addition to cash donations, a percentage of proceeds from meal purchases will be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Bushfire Appeal to provide food, clothing, and essentials, and recovery support to individuals and families in need. The students raised a total of $1220 ($500 from the restaurant and $720 in cash donations). Thank you to Tony V’s for supporting this fundraiser event!
St. Charles College Student Recognized by Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury
St. Charles College student, Teresa Aiello was recently recognized by the Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury, receiving the Outstanding Student award for 2019.
Teresa is the perfect student to receive an acknowledgement by the Learning Disability Association this school year. She has been involved in the LDAS coaching program for five years. She has also been an LDAS Youth Ambassador for the past three years making her a voice for others who live with learning disabilities.
Aiello is seventeen years old now. She attends St. Charles College and is in her graduating year. She is consistently achieving marks in the 80 and 90 range.
Jodi Cunningham is a teacher who has spent several years watching Aiello in her role as a teacher. She believes that Aeillo is an excellent candidate for this award, as she uses her strengths to develop strategies that overcome the challenges of her learning disability.
Save the date for this year’s PIC Carousel!
Parent Involvement Committee proudly presents their annual Carousel Event for parents, educators and community partners!
- When: April 7, 2020 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
- Where: St. Benedict School, 2993 Algonquin Road
Sessions will include: Vaping, Bullying, Cybercrime, Human Trafficking, Social Media, Secondary Programs and Pathways, Supporting Students at Home, Coding, and Helping Support Children and Youth who Experience Anxiety.
Save the date and stay tuned for more information coming soon!
Travel the World While Earning Credit!
Travel the world, while earning a course credit! We are excited to offer secondary students an affordable, experiential learning program that enables students in Grade 8-10 to earn a credit while travelling to Ottawa, Montreal, New York City, and Toronto while earning Civics/Careers credits (Course Codes (CHV/GLC). Space is limited to 35 students and is available to students in regular and French immersion programming. Register now at the following link.
For more information contact Christina Raso, Experiential Learning Consultant at
Sudbury Catholic Students and Staff Participate in National Sweater Day to Combat Climate Change
Each year on the first Thursday of February, Canadians are asked to turn down their heat and wear sweaters to raise awareness about climate change and energy conservation. Founded by WWF-Canada in 2010, more than a million Canadians have participated in National Sweater Day.
In an effort to combat climate change, Sudbury Catholic Schools participated in this initiative on February 6, 2020. Staff and students at Holy Cross School, St. David School, St. James School, St. Charles College, Marymount Academy, Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S and the Catholic Education Centre brought their warmest sweaters as schools turned down the heat by 1.5 degrees celsius throughout the school day. Though the change in temperature was nominal; collectively, we as a Board made a statement regarding climate change and its impact on our world.
“National Sweater Day gave our staff and students an opportunity to reflect on how rising global temperatures are impacting the planet and how together we can help to reduce climate change by making small changes in our daily live,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “By making a commitment to the planet on National Sweater Day, students and educators better understand the powerful impact that they can have.”
Sudbury Catholic Schools Place First and Second in OCSTA Short Video Contest
Huge congratulations goes out to St. Charles College for winning first place in the secondary category and St. David Catholic Elementary School for winning second place in the elementary category in this year’s OCSTA Short Video Contest!
We are so proud of our staff and students for their hard work in making these beautiful videos!
You can view the videos here:
St. Charles College:
St. David School: