At St. Charles College, our learning environment encourages self-advocacy and a culture that is rich in academic and personal supports. Our students have every opportunity to actively participate in their education and to succeed. Our learning environments assist each student to grow in the image of Christ. We do this by integrating the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations into all aspects of our school curriculum and in all aspects of school life.
The expectations for our Catholic school graduates are described not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes, and actions. The Catholic School Graduate is therefore, expected to be; a discerning believer; an effective communicator; a reflective, creative and holistic thinker; a self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner; a collaborative contributor; a caring family member; and a responsible citizen.
Please click on the tabs below to access more detailed information about specific courses.
With the support of the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program, students gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of their Catholic faith according to the year’s focus.
The religious education program is structured around the Church liturgical year, which is based on the life of Jesus Christ. This enables students to live and express faith in an integrated way at school, at home and in the parish community.
Fully Alive
Family Life Education, as it is represented in Fully Alive, is intended to pass on a distinctively Catholic view of human life, sexuality, marriage, and family. Its goal is to complement the efforts of families by supporting what parents are doing at home. The program is designed to encourage children to become the people God wants them to be — to be fully alive. The program is approved by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO). Catholic Family Life education is closely linked to religious education and represents 20 per cent of the religious education program and is taught once a week.
Students acquire the knowledge and skills required for effective reading and writing, listening and speaking so students can succeed at school and beyond. The curriculum has been revised partly in response to the recommendations outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read public inquiry report.
The 2023 curriculum now includes new areas of learning:
A focus on foundational knowledge and skills
- Students develop foundational knowledge and skills in reading and writing, spelling, vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension.
Transferable skills
- Students apply the transferable skills throughout learning in language and literacy across all grades to help them become engaged and responsible learners. These skills are defined as: critical thinking and problem solving; innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship; self-directed learning; collaboration; communication; global citizenship and sustainability; and digital literacy.
Digital media literacy
- Students develop and apply digital media literacy knowledge and skills to support their learning, such as understanding how online media is used to communicate and influence audiences. They learn to navigate online environments, with appropriate permission, while managing their data, security and privacy. Students also learn how to use digital and media tools to evaluate information and demonstrate their learning.
Applications, connections and contributions
- Students apply language and literacy skills in various contexts, and make connections to the contributions of a diversity of voices, experiences and perspectives, including those of First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals, communities, groups and nations.
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 7–8: Mathematics, 2020 focuses on fundamental mathematics concepts and skills, as well as on making connections between related math concepts, between mathematics and other disciplines, and between mathematics and everyday life. It also supports new learning about mathematical modelling, coding, and financial literacy, and integrates mathematics learning with learning in other STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. As well, this curriculum is designed to help students build confidence in approaching mathematics and acquire a positive attitude towards mathematics, cope with stress and anxiety, persevere and learn from their mistakes, work collaboratively with others towards a shared goal, value deep thinking and making connections, and become capable and confident math learners.
In Grade 7 and 8, students will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by the physical environment and the ways in which people around the world have responded to them. They will focus on where people live and the impact of human settlement and land use on the environment. Students will examine the relationship between the Earth’s physical features and the distribution and use of natural resources while exploring ways of preserving global resources. Students will apply the geographic inquiry process to the impact of natural events and human activities on the physical environment, and sustainability to global development and quality of life. They will continue to develop their spatial skills, extracting and analyzing information from a variety of sources, including different types of maps and graphs, photographs and digital representations, and geographic information systems (GIS). Students will continue to develop their ability to use a variety of sources, tools, and spatial technologies to study various geographic issues.
Ontario Curriculum & Resources - Grade 7 Geography
Ontario Curriculum & Resources - Grade 8 Geography
In Grade 7 and 8, students will examine the social, political, economic, and legal changes in Canada between 1713 and 1914. They will explore the experiences and challenges of different groups, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, in Canada during this period. Students will consider the impact of the Indian Act, the residential school system, the Numbered Treaties, and systemic racism on Indigenous individuals and communities in Canada. They will examine the internal and external forces that led to Confederation and territorial expansion and will analyze the impact of these developments on people in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit, as well as new immigrants. Through an examination of inequalities in the new nation, students will learn that many of the rights and freedoms we have in Canada today are the result of actions taken by people in this era to change their lives. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking as well as the historical inquiry process, using both primary and secondary sources to explore the perspectives of groups on issues of concern and form their own conclusions about historical issues and events.
Health & Physical Education
In Grade 7 and 8, students become acquainted with a greater range of opportunities and environments for physical activity. They expand their knowledge of factors that motivate people to be physically active, including understanding connections between physical and mental health, and of ways to motivate others. Students add to their knowledge of healthy eating practices and deepen their understanding of the relationship between eating patterns and disease, making healthier food choices, and promoting healthy eating to others. The study of personal safety and injury prevention expands to include situations that students in these grades may encounter as they become more independent and active in a wider variety of situations and environments, including online and virtual environments. Students also consider the consequences of bullying, harassment, and violent behaviour, including gender-based and racially based violence, and examine ways of preventing or responding to it. In addition, they continue to learn about concussions, including strategies to support a healthy recovery.
The Arts
The expectations in the arts curriculum are organized into four strands – Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts. The knowledge and skills developed in these four strands will enable students to create, understand, respond to, and appreciate a range of works in the arts. The program in both Grade 7 and 8 is designed to develop a range of essential skills in each of the arts. These skills will be built on a foundation of knowledge of concepts and will include creative, analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will be encouraged to consciously monitor their thinking as they learn, and each strand includes expectations that call for such reflection. The emphasis in each strand is on developing students’ ability to communicate through creating and presenting/performing works in the arts and to communicate their thoughts and feelings about works in the arts. Students’ demonstration of understanding of the knowledge and skills specified in each strand must occur through active participation in the various arts. Learning in the arts cannot be viewed as merely the learning of facts, but must focus on developing students’ knowledge and skills in hands-on, age-appropriate ways. In Grade 7 and 8, students will also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of musical concepts to musical experiences such as instrumental music classes.
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8: Science and Technology, 2022 focuses on fundamental science and technology concepts and on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills. It supports students in making connections between skills and concepts, and the practical applications of science and technology in their lives, and in learning about life systems, matter and energy, structures and mechanisms, and Earth and space systems. This curriculum is designed to help students prepare for deeper levels of science and technology learning in secondary school and beyond.
Core French
The goal of all FSL programs whether it be French immersion or Core French is for learners to develop the ability to speak and understand French. This allows students to communicate with French-speaking people in Canada and around the world, to understand and appreciate the history and evolution of the French cultures, and to develop and benefit from a competitive advantage in the workforce.
Sample Student Schedule
Click the link below to review a sample student schedule, showcasing what a Grade 7 and 8 student's typical week would look like. This timetable is provided for example purposes only.