St. Charles College Elementary Cards fill shoeboxes with love

Looking to answer the Essential Question “How are we church in the world?”, Mrs. Kathy Belanger’s 8A class and Mr. Thomson’s Grade 7/8 Life Skill’s class participated in Operation Christmas Child this year.
Operation Christmas Child is a special Christmas project affiliated with Samaritan’s Purse, a non-denominational Christian organization. With donated proceeds from an in-school Dress Down Day at St. Charles College, students went shopping at Dollarama and then had the opportunity to fill close to 70 shoeboxes with school supplies, hygiene items, toys and other gifts for children, ages 2-14, in less-fortunate countries around the world.
Mr. Thomson says “Every gift-filled shoebox is given unconditionally, regardless of religion, gender, or race, in a way that practically demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ around the globe.”
National Collection Week is Nov.14-20th with shoeboxes from Canada being shipped to places like the Ukraine, Haiti, El Salvador, Senegal and New Guinea.
‘To whom much has been given, much is expected in return’…Luke 12:48
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’…Matthew 25:40