Painting the Town Red and Green – BACCSS at Tom Davies Square

With paint and brushes in hand, students from Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary school’s grade 10 visual arts class readied themselves to paint the windows at Tom Davies Square with Christmas murals. For the third year in a row, city staff invited a group of secondary school students to take part in this new tradition. This year it was Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School’s turn. Over the weekend, a group of volunteers including the class teacher, Marah Plozzer and some city staff members prepared the windows with stencils of the students’ designs so that the area would be ready to go and the kids could get all of the project completed in one day. Paint, brushes and other materials were provided for the students by the city as well as some healthy snacks. The students’ teacher, Marah Plozzer was thrilled when she was contacted about this opportunity for her students. “They rotate between the French and English boards each year and this year our school’s name was pulled out of the hat,” Plozzer said. “It really is a great, fun day for the kids to use their artistic skills, as well as get involved in the community. As a class we are hopeful there will be more opportunities like this one in the future.”