Minister of Education Launches New Aboriginal Business Program at St. Charles College

A new pilot program was launched on Tuesday, April 29 at St. Charles College to help Aboriginal students develop business and entrepreneurial skills. Minister of Education Liz Sandals was on hand to reveal the details of the program as the province partners with the Paul Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative to support Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship.
The students will learn how to develop a business plan and create product or service based business.Jason Michelutti and Paola Gutscher will spearhead the grade 11/12 program at St. Charles College.
Gutscher says “the critical goal of the program is to improve attendance and increase student confidence levels.”Michelutti says he’s eager to get started and wants to get the students “thinking like business owners”.
About fifteen students are already enroled in the program which will commence September 2014.