Grades 7 & 8 students at St. Charles College learn about the trials and tribulations of becoming an author

This week, an author visited the grade 7 and 8 Literacy students at St. Charles College. The students had the privilege of meeting Paul Toffanello who gave an inspiring story about his struggles and accomplishments as a writer.
Paul Toffanello is a Timmins born author who is a former English teacher, Principal and Director of Education. He’s been writing for most of his life and has published Popchuck’s Ghost and Popchuck’s Revenge. He is now finishing his third book in the triology called Popchuck’s End.
Toffanello also taught key strategies to help students become better writers. Through his slideshow, students learned many things about his life and reasons behind some of the main characters and settings in the book. He also conducted a read aloud.
Grade 8 students have now begun reading the book “Popchuk’s Ghost” and also plan to read “Popchuck’s Revenge”.