e-Learning Summer School For Secondary

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce that we will be providing several new summer learning opportunities this year. We are now accepting registration for our Summer e-Learning Courses for secondary students. There will be several other learning opportunities offered this summer through the school board; this is just the first group of learning opportunities available.
Summer e-Learning Courses for Secondary Students
Summer e-Learning courses are full-credit courses available to students who are currently registered in grades 9-12. These courses are taught by qualified Ontario Teachers across the province. These courses are fully online and typically consist of a blend of online lessons and independent work. Students who are successful in a summer e-Learning course typically commit to working 4-6 hours a day from Monday-Friday for the 4 weeks that the summer course is offered. Secondary Summer e-Learning courses cover the same range of content that is typically covered during a full semester course in a condensed timeline.
Courses are offered in English, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, and the Humanities for students currently in grades 9-12.
The Sudbury Catholic District School board will be offering Grade 11 Religion (HRT3M), Grade 12 Religion (HRE4M), and Careers/Civics (CHV2O/GLC2O). Co-op may also be available in some circumstances.
Students must have the prerequisites to register for a course over the summer. For more information about specific courses, please contact the guidance contact at your school:
St. Charles College- silvia.faggioni@sudburycatholicschools.ca
St. Benedict CSS- sabrina.buttazzoni@sudburycatholicschools.ca
Bishop Alexander Carter- heather.duguay@sudburycatholicschools.ca
Marymount Academy- lynn.massimiliano@sudburycatholicschools.ca
St. Albert Learning Centre megan.murphy@sudburycatholicschools.ca
To register for a summer course, please fill in the registration form:
You will need to log in before you can view this form. Please log in using your Sudbury Catholic Username and Password.
Username: username@sudburycatholicstudents.ca (ex: JOspina1234@sudburycatholicstudents.ca)
Password: Same as the vLE, MS Teams or Google Classroom
St. Charles College – Summer School Registration 2020
St. Benedict CSS- Summer School Registration 2020
Bishop Alexander Carter- Summer School Registration 2020
Marymount Academy- Summer School Registration 2020
St. Albert Learning Centre- Summer School Registration 2020